




What is Reiki?

Reiki is a natural method of healing, channelling energy through the hands. Its name comes from 2 japanese characters, Rei meaning universal, and Ki meaning vital, or life force energy.

It was re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui after a 21 day fast and meditation on Mount Kurama in 1922. But the channelling of healing energy has been practised for thousands of years.

Everyone can channel Reiki once they have received an attunement. Universal energy is all around us and flows through us. We receive it indirectly through sunlight, air, water and food. As children, we were probably all able to connect to this healing energy, but over time, with the stresses, uncertainties, emotional problems and and our desire to fit in, our capacity to connect to the healing energy decreased. We have all experienced the power of touch to soothe, comfort and heal. Through the Reiki attunements, this connection is re-established, so that we have a direct link to the healing energy once more.

Reiki is a powerful tool for relaxation, decreasing anxiety and tension and calming the mind as well as the body. It acts at all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It provides you with a means of doing something to help yourself – in all situations. It helps with your personal growth, but can also be given to others. Reiki is about finding your own power and learning to trust – yourself, and also the Universe.


Dr Usui was born in a district of Kyoto, Japan on August 15th 1865. He was a Buddhist. As a young boy, he studied kiko, a Japanese version of Tai Chi, which focuses on the movement of life energy, or Ki, and some practitioners were able to use this energy for healing with the hands.

Throughout his life, Usui searched for knowledge, studying medicine, religion and psychology, and travelling extensively throughout Japan, China and Europe. He was a successful businessman for some years, but in 1914 he decided to become a Buddhist monk.

In 1922, he returned to Mount Kurama, where he had practised kiko as a boy, to take a retreat on the mountain. After fasting and meditating for twenty-one days, he experienced a powerful light entering the top of his head, he saw a series of symbols within the light and he understood that the light was Reiki energy. He was now able to channel healing energy.

Following his discovery, he moved to Tokyo, opened a clinic and started the ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai’, or Usui Reiki Healing Society. In 1923 an earthquake in Japan killed 140,000 people and injured many more, and Usui and his students worked tirelessly to bring Reiki to as many people as possible.

In 1925, Dr Usui began to travel throughout Japan to spread Reiki. It was his wish that Reiki would be available to everyone, all over the world. In the short time before his death on March 9th 1926, he had taught Reiki to over two thousand people and trained sixteen teachers.

Mr Juzaburo Ushida, one of the sixteen teachers trained by Usui, was president of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai after Dr Usui´s death. Dr Chujiro Hayashi was another of these sixteen teachers, but he was never president of the URRG. Later, Hayashi broke away from it to form his own association. He was never the Grandmaster of the Usui system, indeed the original Usui system never used the title of Master or Grandmaster.

Hawayo Takata was born in Hawaii in 1900. Her husband died in 1930 and she worked hard to bring up her two children alone. In 1935 she was in poor physical and mental health. She went to Japan to visit her parents and was admitted to hospital, but decided to try a different approach and eventually went to Dr Hayashi’s clinic, where, after four months’ treatment, she was completely healed. She decided to learn Reiki, and was taught by Dr Hayashi and worked in his clinic.

In 1937 she returned to Hawaii. Dr Hayashi later visited and they travelled together around Hawaii teaching Reiki and giving treatments. In 1938, Mrs Takata was initiated as a Reiki teacher by Dr Hayashi, and she opened two clinics in Hawaii. She later travelled to the United States to teach Reiki.

In 1970 she began training people to the level of Reiki Teacher, or Master as she called it, charging $10,000 for the weekend class. She initiated twenty-two Reiki Masters before her death in 1980.

Mrs Takata’s way of teaching Reiki was different from that of Dr Usui. A number of the exercises that he developed were later excluded from Mrs Takata’s teaching. Fortunately these methods are still available to us in Dr Usui’s handbook.

After her death in 1980, some of the restrictions that Mrs Takata had placed on the teaching of Reiki were relaxed; various schools of Reiki developed: • Phyllis Lei Furumoto, Takata´s granddaughter continued the Reiki Alliance with the exact same teachings of her grandmother, • Barbara Weber Ray said that Takata taught her techniques that she had not taught to anyone else and developed Radiance Reiki, • Other Reiki Masters wanted to charge much lower fees and for Reiki to spread more rapidly. Some also wanted to allow their students to take notes and to include other techniques such as meditation and working with crystals and from this, the Usui Tibetan system of Reiki was formed. This is the form that Teresa and I teach. It combines the Usui system with some additional techniques and meditative practices, and at Master level it offers four extra symbols. It was first taught in the United States in 1989, and was introduced into Spain in 1994. It would seem that the most direct line of Reiki originating with Dr Usui remains in Japan, although nowadays several different schools of Reiki exist even there.

In the West, there are now over thirty different types of Reiki, including The Radiance Technique, Raku Kei, Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Rainbow Reiki, Golden Age Reiki, Reiki Jin-Kei Do, Seichim, Saku Reiki, Blue Star Reiki, Reiki Plus (1).

The following four characteristics define a healing technique as Reiki:

  1. The energy is channelled after receiving an attunement, or initiation.
  2. The technique has been passed from teacher to student through an attunement.
  3. The energy is not guided by the mind; it goes where it is needed.
  4. The energy can do no harm.

Levels of Reiki

There are three levels or degrees of Reiki, which are achieved by successive initiations.

First Degree

The first degree opens the energy channel and permits the student to channel Reiki mainly at the physical level, both for himself and for others. It consists of one initiation in the Usui Tibetan system. After the initiation, the student may note a subtle energy flowing through his hands. This can be perceived in various ways, including heat, coolness, tickling, buzzing, or just a strange feeling in the hands. Sometimes it takes a period of time after the initiation before the student feels the energy.

This level is open to anyone. No previous experience or preparation is required. It is usually taught in one weekend. The initiation connects the student’s energy system to the Universal Energy. Energy blockages are released, balancing and harmonising the major energy centres known as chakras. The initiation opens the central energy channel leading from the crown of the head to the bottom of the spine. It connects the student to the Universal Energy permanently, allowing him to channel the energy whenever he wishes.

At first, the amount of energy channelled after the initiation can vary considerably, but the more the student uses Reiki, the more constant the energy becomes. In this level, the energy is 80-90% on the physical level. The remainder being on the mental/emotional and spiritual levels.

Second Degree

The Second Degree requires that the student has completed the First Degree and has had sufficient practice for the energy to be flowing with less variation in intensity. Usually at least three months will have passed since the student took the First Degree. In the second degree Reiki initiation, the central channel is opened up to a greater level, and the amount of energy that can be channelled increases.

The student receives three symbols:

The Power Symbol: This increases the amount of energy that can be channelled. It enables the student to open and close the energy connection when treating himself or others. It allows the student to use the Universal energy to cleanse and purify places energetically. The power symbol can also be used as a protection around a home, car etc.

The Mental Symbol: This allows the student to enter into a different level of energy, which works on the mental and emotional levels of the person receiving the energy. It is therefore used for mental and emotional healing. It is particularly helpful in dealing with anger, sadness, anxiety, depression and problems with relationshipsand when sending Reiki to the cause of a condition. It can also be used to help stop unwanted habits such as smoking.

The Distance Symbol: This allows healing to be sent at a distance. The recipient does not have to be physically present, but could be anywhere in the world. This symbol can also be used to send Reiki into the future. If the student wants to send Reiki to something he plans to do, he simply asks the energy to arrive at a particular time, and it will be ready when that time comes. This also works for the past. Reiki can be sent to specific events in the past, or to the cause of a problem, even if the cause is unknown.

Third Degree – Inner Master

The third degree initiation increases the student’s capacity to channel the Universal Energy. The student is also given the Usui Master Symbol, which allows him to work on a spiritual level and helps him to contact his own inner truth. This level is called Inner Master because it involves recognising that each person is the master of his own destiny, responsible for his own life. This knowledge can often help the student to find his true path in life and may require him to make changes in his life.

Usui Tibetan Master Level

In this level the central energy channel is once again further opened, and the student is given the four additional Tibetan Master Symbols. The student learns the techniques that permit him to perform Reiki initiations.

The Reiki Master takes on the responsibility of teaching Reiki to others. He has the ability to initiate others so that they can use the Reiki energy in their own journey of self-discovery and healing.


1. Just for Today, Don’t Get Angry.

It may seem impossible in our stressful, chaotic lives that a day could pass without getting angry at something. There’s no advantage in denying that we feel angry, but we can certainly change our attitude to that anger. Anger is a warning system. If we see it as such, we will listen to it, and try to uncover its message. This involves acknowledging that it exists, expressing it in some appropriate form, exploring its origins, and taking responsibility for it. Finally, it means letting it go.

Underneath all anger is a pain that needs to be healed, a need that wants to be satisfied; an action that demands to be carried out. Once the energy behind the anger is turned into a meaningful action, the anger stops.

Most of us don’t do this. We feed our anger, we rage at feeling out of control and blame others for our sense of powerlessness. So the anger never goes. It is merely stored away, unchanged, in our memories, our energy systems, and the cells of our bodies. There to wreak its havoc.

The first principle could be written: For today, don’t just get angry. Do something with that anger. Transform it, use it. Explore that anger, understand it; use Reiki to heal it and release its energy. Aggression dwells in the root chakra; using Reiki to heal and develop the root chakra can open up a source of an enormous amount of power.

Many of the principles include the phrase 'Just for today'. This means that we should be trying to live in the present, in the Now.

2. Just for Today, Don’t Worry.

At times, all of us have difficulty in expressing our emotions. We don’t realise what is causing us to feel anxious or upset or unwell. Sometimes, there is a part of us that knows, but the other parts stop this knowledge from reaching full consciousness.

Often, underneath anxiety is the fear of rejection and abandonment, yet these feelings of selfdoubt and lack of self-worth are often the hardest of all to admit, even to ourselves. We go to great lengths in order to deny and bury these feelings. Many anxieties are rooted in childhood, when we were indeed vulnerable and powerless and unable to control events. To change these deep-seated beliefs about our own powerlessness, which persist in many cases unchanged into adult life, we have to accept those parts of us which have retained the memories of those fears and hurts. We have to accept that we have been hurt. We need to heal the past so that we can free the present.

None of us are free from stress. We all have worry and sadness and hidden pain. We all have unresolved emotional issues: fear that we can’t cope, that we are not good enough, or that what we want will never happen. These anxieties and self-downing beliefs create negative energy patterns. It is therefore of great importance that we develop a positive self-image and release all negative thoughts and feelings from our minds.

Work with this principle helps to heal the second and third chakras, with their underlying issues of personal power and relationship to others.

3. Be Grateful.

This principle advises us to be grateful for what we have, and to trust that the Universe will provide what we need, when we need it. To appreciate the beautiful things in life produces a sense of positivity and joy, which helps to counteract our own doubts and negativity. Spending time in nature, doing relaxation and meditation and practising Reiki are simple ways in which we can become more aware and appreciative of the world around us. This principle is associated with the development of the third eye, the ability to see clearly and understand what we see. Often we do not fully appreciate what we have until we lose it.

4. Work Hard.

By working on ourselves we can change some of the habitual thought processes and behaviour patterns that prevent us from directly contacting our higher self. Once we have overcome this resistance, we can begin to take more responsibility for our lives and start to realise more of our own powers.

Working hard means making the most of our opportunities to learn and grow. Working on our own personal development, healing ourself. It also means resting adequately and relaxing. Life today is complicated, therefore all of us, at times, need to be able to say no to external distractions and find time for quiet contemplation.

5. Be Kind to Others.

Being kind is an expression of love. Compassion is an understanding that we all face similar problems in our attempts to achieve self-knowledge. However, in order to truly love others, we must first love ourselves. We must first be kind to ourselves. Not judging and criticising ourselves. To love ourselves, we must know and accept ourselves. This includes an honest appraisal of our own motives. Being kind means not just doing something because we want to appear nice, or be liked by others. It might involve saying something that we feel needs to be said, although others would rather not hear it. Above all, it means acting and responding authentically.



1. Benefits Of Reiki

2. Reiki In India

3. Reiki 5+1 Principles

4. Science Of Energy

5. Science Of Aura & Chakra

6. Reiki Attunement

7. Powerful Meditation

8. Self Aura Cleaning

9. Others Aura Cleaning

10. Hands Position

11. Protection Shield

12. Science Of Healing Crystal

13. Benefits Of Crystals

14. How to use crystals

15. Aura Cleaning By Crystal

16. Self Healing by hands

17. Self healing by powerful crystals

18. Mind development session

19. Anger management session

20. Sixth sense activation session

21. Partner Healing

22. Nature Healing

23. House Healing

24. Earth Healing

25. Non Living Things Healing


1. What Is Reiki Distance Healing

2. Use Of Telepathy

3. Reiki 2nd Level Symbols

4. Power Symbol

5. 2nd Power Symbol

6. Benefits Of Power Symbols

7. Balancing Symbols

8. Distance Healing Symbol

9.Distance Aura & Chakra Cleaning

10. Aura & Chakra Charging

11. Distance Protection Shield

12. Symbol Healing/Meditation

13. Reiki Distance Healing Practical

14. Self Distance Healing

15. Reiki Distance Healing for Meeting, Job & Business.

16. Reiki Distance Relationship Healing

17. Reiki Marriage Healing

18. Reiki Group Distance Healing

19. Crystal For Distance Healing

20. Wish Box 

21. mind changing session

22. sixth sense session

23. astral traveling session

24. energy charging session

25. healing with crystals

26. crystal healing for others

27. powerful healing for patients

28. how to face in difficult situation by reiki symbols

29. activation of third eye chakra a powerful meditation

30. love circle meditation


1. Attunement History

2. Types Of Attunement

3. Attunement Guidelines

4. Reiki Attunement Symbols

5. Violet Breath

6. Learn Reiki Mastership Attunement

7. Learn Reiki Grand Mastership Attunement

8. Learn Reiki Prosperity Attunement.

9. Powerful Symbols.

10. Various Meditations.

11. Grand Mastership Symbols

12. Reiki Self Attunement

13. Reiki Distance Attunement

14. Attunement Practical